
I was invited to speak at a hackathon!

Our panel, Recent Grads Unfiltered, will occur between 7–8PM EST on January 29th. The panel aims to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities that new graduates may face when starting their careers, as well as the ups and downs in exploring internships and settling into their first full-time jobs. The discussion’s goal is to guide students on how to start their careers, and give students an idea of what to expect in their first jobs and job hunt process, and thus prepare them for the future.

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A Critical Review of Analyzing Software Requirements Errors in Safety-Critical, Embedded Systems

In Analyzing Software Requirements Errors in Safety-Critical, Embedded Systems, Robyn analyzes the major causes of safety-related software errors in safety-critical, embedded systems. The article is targeted towards an experienced demographic with a basic understanding of the presented topic through a formal tone. He presents this paper in the form of an experiment in which he analyzes the 387 software errors found during integration and system testing of two spacecraft. The purpose of this article is to “improve system safety by understanding the prevalent sources of safety-related software errors” [1]. This paper will review Robyn’s experiment as well as his arguments, and will evaluate the quality of Robyn’s writing and focus on areas of strengths and weaknesses within his experiment.

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"Advice to younger women: Practise manning up" - Critical Review

Margaret Wente's Globe and Mail article "Advice to younger women: Practise manning up" attempts to convince women to man up towards arrogance disrespect and micro aggression that men inflicts on them. The article is targeted towards females or families with female members through an informal tone. Although the author appeals to readers on an emotional level, the article is still biased through ad hominem fallacy, generalizations and argument from absence.

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Detailed Analysis on INC - 2012 Fiscal Year

Amazon is the largest and most successful retailer in the western world today. What set Amazon apart is the long-term strategy for success, even in the face of the relatively short term loss of profit. For perspective: It took Amazon 14 years to make as much as they did last quarter. It’s important to look at a company’s success by analyzing its past. I gathered Amazon’s entire financial data for fiscal years 2011 and 2012 and made detailed comparison below.

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A Critical Review of Blasting Music to Drown Out Reality

The thesis in “Blasting Music to Drown Out Reality” can be considered explicit due to the fact that it can be directly quoted from the piece. The thesis is, “people use music as a way to ‘keep reality at arm’s length’”. This can be referred to as the thesis since the author describes music to be something that isolates the connection of an individual to the outer world. It is made explicit to make sure the readers can easily identify what the author’s argument is going to be when they are examining the essay. In the essay, he says that “It is not in order to hear the music, but in order that the vacuum in their minds may be soothed by the sound, so that silence does not force them into thinking about themselves or experiencing the real world of perception and sensation.” The ‘vacuum’ in this context can be referred to as a feeling of emptiness and loss. Therefore this quote is implying that nowadays, people listen to music not for the sake to hear and enjoy, but they listen in order to cover up the emptiness and losses they feel in their minds.

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In Welcoming Upcoming Frozen 2 - “Let it go” Analysis

“When discussing Frozen, it’s almost impossible to separate the film narrative from the music”. Because “Let it go” popularized from the movie Frozen, it is not a surprise that Demi Lovato’s version of the song never achieved the popularity of the original that was featured in the movie. The original is a closer portrayal to the movie and a deeper connection to the audience. When comparing the two music videos, Demi Lovato’s version is shown more towards highlighting herself and her own personal story whereas Menzel (the original) is highlighting the song of Elsa finally deciding to embrace her magic and be herself. There is less emotional connection for Lovato’s version, which distances the audience from the song. Also, most audiences have likely listened to the original before Lovato’s version. This makes it harder for them to accept “new” versions of the song when they already have in mind an original base frame of what the song should sound like.

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“Can We Talk” - Article Review

Despite the complexity difference and the traditional thinking that human language are strictly human, I believe the origins of human languages could have evolved from a much simpler form, and that language in other animals does exist. What really makes humans much more sophisticated in their use of language is the quantity of words that we can mentally process and our ability to understand complex sentences (eg. Nested sentences). According to the article “Can We Talk”, many prerequisites for human language are present and found in various species.

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“When Words Decide” - Article Review

“When Words Decide” written by Barry Swartz describes how language can affect the decisions we make in a profound and counterintuitive way. In the paper, Swartz mentioned three main ways that our attitudes can be swayed - the “loss verses gain effect”, the “power of default effect” and the influence of “context effect”. LSA is a method that represents the meaning of words by computations applied to large quantities of text. It analyzes relationships between documents and the terms they contain by producing concepts related to the documents and terms.

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